About SPEC
The Social Planning and Events Committee (SPEC) is a branch of student government at Penn, founded in 1989. At SPEC, we develop, organize, and plan campus wide social and cultural activities for the university community. Membership in SPEC is open to any undergraduate interested in social planning, and involvement proves to be an exciting and educational experience.
SPEC is comprised of 8 sub-committees, each led by directors with ten to one hundred members. Through these committees, SPEC organizes and sponsors events year-round, including Spring Fling, speakers, movie screenings, and concerts. The 8 committees include Connaissance, Film, Jazz & Grooves, Pop Up, Sound, SPEC-TRUM, Spring Fling Concerts, and Spring Fling Daytime.
SPEC also established several dedicated funds open to undergraduate student groups in order to better fulfill its mission of providing social programming and special events for the entire undergraduate community. The mission of SPEC Co-sponsorship is to facilitate diverse undergraduate events of high quality, not only through monetary grants but through mentorship, logistical and technical support.