Funding For Student Groups
The mission of SPEC Co-sponsorships is to facilitate diverse undergraduate events of high quality through monetary grants as well as mentorship, logistical and technical support. Only undergraduate groups recognized by the Office of Student Affairs may apply for co-sponsorship. Please note that SPEC is not allowed to fund the purchase of food as well as charitable donations or gifts. SPEC is also only allowed to fund open events where every undergraduate student has an equal chance of attending. There is no limit to the number of events for which groups may apply for funding.
The “SPEC Co-sponsorship Funds” are the SPEC Fully Planned Fund, the SPEC Connaissance Co-sponsorship Fund, the SPEC-TRUM Co-sponsorship Fund:
SPEC Fully Planned - Funds public, accessible events that are ready to go but need financial assistance to be viable. If you are hosting an event open to all students, this is the fund to apply to!
SPEC To Represent Undergraduate Minorities (SPEC-TRUM) - Funds events serving multitude of minority interests on campus. If you are a cultural or minority group, this is the fund to apply to!
SPEC Connaissance - Funds speaker events across campus. If you are hosting a speaker, this is the fund to apply to!
Apply to our co-sponsorship funds at penncfa.com
Contact treasurer@specevents.net if you need assistance.